You’ve scaled your product or service and have already attracted significant funding. Find ways to connect with talent, expand globally, or connect your team to opportunities to give back in Calgary’s tech community.
The Platform Incubator helps high-potential founders scale confidently with 12 months of structured guidance, coaching, and industry connections to accelerate their growth.
Platform Calgary’s Global Startup Visa Program is a selective opportunity for high-potential international founders to establish their tech startup in Calgary with guidance and resources.
The Peer-to-Peer Program connects individuals with same roles and responsibilities at local tech companies, providing them the space to network, problem solve, and share knowledge with one another.
Raising Capital Series is the first step for founders who are planning to raise capital in the next 12 months or for those who are interested in exploring the investment process.
Are you looking to raise your next venture round? Get connected to investors with the National Bank Investor Hub.
Share challenges, and exchange advice and lessons learned in a friendly, informal environment with other like-minded people.
Are you searching for talent? It's your time to shine! Show off your company and connect with local talent at Tech Talent Tuesday. Get in touch with our team to participate.